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The Many Ways to Chant with a Mantra

It is an undeniable fact that the human mind needs variety, because generally persons easily become discouraged with any monotonous practices. Therefore, you can chant or actively meditate on your Personal Power-Mantra mentally; you can whisper it or hum it to yourself.

As you may have by now realized, focused mental repetition is one of the most powerful ways to chant or actively meditate on your Power-Mantra.

Although some persons may find it difficult due to the unrelenting disturbances of the mind, nevertheless, daily, religious practice will help you to overcome all disturbances and to reach the desired goal of attaining the Sweet Absolute.

Even the unconscious or mechanical repetition of your Power-Mantra, without any concentration, has a mystically deep purifying effect in the heart and the mind.

Once again, you should constantly repeat in your mind your Personal Power-Mantra, the power-song of your life, with intense faith and sincerity. For added power, use mediation beads to count your mantras with.

With the repetitive meditation of your Mantra, you will remember the Supreme Lord, who resides in full in the innermost chambers of your heart.

Repetitive meditation on the power song of your life is so potent that in the more advanced stages, after extensive practices, each hair, each cell, each pore, of your body will begin to repeat the Mantra in divine bliss.

It is like servants who chat and quarrel in the absence of the master, but as soon as the master enters, there is complete silence and the ability to function properly returns.

Meditation is like the master returning to his home. The soul, the witness, the individual self is reinstated, and now he functions from the center of reality, and not from the peripheries. So, by all means, please pray and invite active meditation into your life.

It is like remembering, like meeting an old lost love. In that stage of pure consciousness the whole body is charged with the most powerfully purifying cosmic vibrations of your Personal Power-Mantra, and you will experience symptoms of ecstasy and profuse tears of joy and happiness.

You will also experience and know what is divine inspiration, ecstasy, revelation, perception, intuition, love of God, and how that sublime energy moves around the soul.

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