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Can I Chant Mantras while....?

meditating with mala beads

Your Personal Mala Mantra may be chanted while you are engaged in many types of activities. For instance, a typist may chant while typing. Actually, you may chant while cooking, cleaning, knitting, walking or driving; while watching TV, while taking a shower, or while performing any manual work.

With practice, while the mind is engaged in repetitive chanting or active meditation, you will be able to perform any manual work automatically. In this manner, a portion of your mind will worship the Lord through its energy and service while the other portion does the work.

To remember your Mantra at all times is the best form of meditation. The divine remembrance of your Personal Mantra does not depend on time, space, place, condition or environment. The most effective method of active meditation is to remember the Sweet Absolute at all times.

To continuously remember the power-song of your life is the art of chanting without chanting, the art of actively meditating without meditating.

In the word “Mantra” the syllable “tra” means the art of processing, the art of refining oneself to the highest aesthetic understanding. This art of spiritually processing oneself should be free from worldly effort and effortlessness, which belong to the relative dualities.

Therefore in the perfective stages of active meditation, the Mantra becomes alive and begins to repeat itself in the mind automatically, without any effort.

The practitioner should try to attain that state in which the Mantra repeats itself internally at all times, twenty-four hours a day. It is the art of spiritual processing with the minimum of material effort.

On the other hand, those who forget their Personal-Power-Mantra even for a few days or a few months will have to make a greater effort to remember, chant, or actively meditate on the mantra.

You can chant the mantras in this video at anytime and anywhere:

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