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When and How to Use Your Mantra

Once you've picked your mantra, you can chant your mantra in a wide range of ways. There is no right or wrong way to recite it!

When can you use a mantra?

Seated meditation: This is the standard way to practice japa meditation. Find a comfortable, seated position. You can sit cross-legged on the floor or in a chair. Make sure you are sitting tall so your spine is straight and long. Close your eyes and relax. Yoga: Pick a mantra toward the start of your yoga practice and keep on reciting it to yourself as you flow through the different poses. As you hold each of the asanas (postures) for your body chant your mantra in your mind. You can set a specific number of repetitions of the mantra for each pose if you'd like. On-the-Go: You can chant your mantra just about anytime and anywhere ( in the car, at work, cooking or other chores, or on your own). During these times, you can chant the mantra or listen to a recording of your mantra. Allow the chanting or listening of your mantra to calm your mind and body and promote spiritual awakening.

No matter how you choose to incorporate your mantra into your daily life, try to chant it for a minimum of 108 times, a sacred number in yoga and Hinduism. Mala beads can help you keep track if you’re reciting your mantra on your own. Otherwise, you can listen to recordings that repeat your mantra 108 times. (The number 108 is a sacred and magical number in yoga and Buddhism.)

The most effective method to Use A Mantra

After deciding on the mantra that fits your needs, first take a few seconds before meditating to clear your mind. Clear your mind and find your center. Take a couple of full deep breaths. Focus on what you would like to achieve that day. If you find yourself stuck coming up with a specific goal for today’s mantra, think of simple relaxing things. Set your aim and find your intention. Remind yourself why you are utilizing your mantra. Be clear to yourself.

Close your hands together, to form a praying hand. If you leave a small space between your palms, it might help you feel the flow of energy. Finally, lower your chin to have the perfect posture, helping you achieve the perfect state of meditation.

Tyr not to be distracted and be thinking of something else, while you are saying your mantra. Keeping your mind empty of thought will help with concentration, focus, and awareness. Chating a mantra is just like other types of meditation, so when you realize that your focus has wandered return your awareness back to your mantra. Begin saying your mantra, either out loud, whispering it or internally, in your mind. Experiment with coordinate the mantra with the breath. Don't be afraid to try different things to see what works best for you. Connect to the meaning and vibration of your chosen mantra. This is a very personal and individual process, and after some time you may find that how you encounter your mantra changes. Depending on the type of mantra you use, you can place your focus and attention on your heart center or the space between your eyebrows. If your mantra has a specific healing use you can place your awareness and attention on that part of your body as you chant the mantra. Likewise, if your mantra is associated with a specific deity, then you can visualize the form of the deity as you chant your mantra. If your mantra is for a specific chakra, then you can visualize the color, shape, and forms that are associated with that chakra. Breathing is a vital piece of all meditation methods. Similarly, as with different systems, mantra meditation needs you to focus on your breathing. At the same time, you shouldn't attempt to control it, rather, try to just focus on the process. It may require some investment to let go of your breathing, yet with time you will do as such naturally. The advantages of meditation are self-evident, while to ace the strategies you should contribute extensive time. Try not to feel demotivated if, in the first place, you confront a few difficulties to accomplish a profound condition of meditation, don't surrender, as there is dependably an expectation to absorb information. Rather, go and locate your ideal mantra still today.

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